- great catalogue ever
- more new stamps and items in the catalogue
- the samples and ideas for the stamps featured are spectacular
- love the NEW in COLORS!!!!! Yummy!!!!
- some kits have been separated to be sold separately
- the new category to buy the accessories in color is much easier to find
- and much much more new stuff!!!
- NEW Punches
- NEW BigShot accessories
- NEW Ribbons
If you want to see it now, come see me at my demo event this Saturday, May 29th at Hallmark Celebrations in Laguna Niguel, California! I will be a guest in the store and will be showing new techniques. I will also be casing some ideas I got from the new catalogue! So hurry! Email me if you want more details to come see me and the NEW 2010-2011 Idea Book Catalogue!!!
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Please visit my blog and my Stampin Up Website! Have a nice day!

1 comment:
How I wish I can go =(
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