Hi, there! I've been getting emails about how they loved my Cake Slice Box tutorial. I'm so glad you were able to create your own piece of art and put your personal touch to your delectable cake favors!
Just wanted to let you know that I will be collecting those Cake Slice box photos and featuring them in my blog. So hurry and start making your Cake Slices or whole Cake! Just send me a photo attached in an email and start sharing your art! I will also be linking to your blog post on this Cake project.
Featured here first is KT Hom's take on the Cake slice. She made it with a candle and a featured a little votive on the side. Isn't this the cutest thing? For more details, visit her blog at KT Hom Designs.
Another cake piece is by Tina Hulbert. Check her out in her blog, Lemondrops Simple Stuff for details.

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Please visit my blog and my Stampin Up Website! Have a nice day!

Kay thank you again for the tutorial! I loved making this cake!!! I love the roses on top!
Thank you also for putting my cake on your blog!!! I don't feel worthy. :) Have a great day!
Great job Kay and you are awesome to give credit to folks that send you copies of their cakes. Tina is a very good friend and we've been crafting together for a lot of years. Her cake turned out so great thanks to your tutorial. Isn't she just the sweetest and I know her Mom will be delighted to get that cake for Mother's Day from her. Hugs, Julia
Hello Kay, Thank you for the inspiration I'm passing the Sunshine Award to you.
Lorraine w/ www.lorrainesstampincorner.blogspot.com
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