Every year, my Thanksgiving is not complete without a turkey punch art. Thanks to the Owl punch #118074, it's easier to create him this year :) Isn't he so cute. Well, I'm going to show you how he's made.
First, you will need all this punch:
- Owl Punch #118074(for the turkey's body and the black of the eyes)with ears cut off
- Large Oval Punch #119855(the turkey's butt)
- 1/2" circle punch #119869(the eyes) \
- 3/4" square punch (the top hat)
- window word punch #119857(the rim of the hat)
- Itty Bitty Shape Punch Pack #118309- the 4 petal punch (under the beak)
- Butterfly Punch #119848- for the feathers
- cut 1/4" square for the beak
Cardstocks used:
- Feathers - Real Red, Daffodil Delight, Old Olive, Pumpkin Pie
- Body - Crumb Cake
- Hat - Basic Black
- Turkey Waddle - Cherry Cobbler
- Turkey Butt - Chocolate Chip Brown

Step 1: Adhere owl to the large oval as illustrated

Step 2: Adhere the eyes and the waddle.

Step 3: Cut the Window Word punch piece lengthwise in half. Then cut a 1/3 off. Use the 2/3 piece as the rim of the hat.

Step 4: Adhere the hat then cut the Butterfly punch piece in half as feathers.

Note the position of each feather. The Real Read and the Daffodil Delight are upside down and the Old Olive and Pumpkin Pie CS are rightside up. Then follow the illustration below on where to place the specific point position of each turkey feather pieces.

Then you have your Thanksgiving Turkey!!!! Don't forget his beak and highlights on the eyes with a white gel pen. Have fun!!!

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Please visit my blog and my Stampin Up Website! Have a nice day!

Just WONDERFUL!!!! I love what you do with the owl. I always look forward to your post and expecially what you have done with the cake slices and the very special owl.
I love your turkey! That punch is so wonderful and with your talent and creativity it is a perfect combintation to a winning project every time! :<)
Wishing you a great week!
Barbara Diane
Thank you so very much for the tutorial to case! Just in time for me to make my cards for my 2nd grade catechism class.
OMG Kay! This turkey is just too cute! You make the most fun stuff!! BTW, I cased your cute Santa owl and will be posting and linking you up from my blog. xo
Super cute, TFS! I made your Santa owl too, turned out adorable!
This is the cutest turkey I've seen. Thanks for sharing!
This little guy was just perfect for a wedding card I had to make. I CASEd him (the groom, of course) and just did a bit of tweaking for his bride. Picture at http://robinscraftroom.com/stamping/love-these-turkeys/
Thanks for the great directions!
I love your creations. Thank you for share. I'm brazilian, if you want visit my blog http:// mirabolarte@blogspot.com and follow me.
It will a pleasure.
Congratulatios for everything you do.
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