The other day, I was chatting on the phone with my friend, Lilibeth. The line kept cutting off and it was getting to annoy both of us. I was speculating it would be the 3G reception of her phone since she was the one traveling. She says it might be that her seat belt was terminating the call. What..the seat belt? Little did I know she puts her cellphone on her chest and secures it with her seat belt. Isn't that hilarious? So, my mind kept spinning and I offered to make her a remedy for the phone dilemma. I brought out my big shot and my sewing machine and started...thus, giving birth to these Top Notes Cellphone Holders.

I'm making a couple for my sister too. She says she can model it while attending her functional dinners and formal party events. Something she would bring with her small purse :)
All I did was cut 2 Top Notes die, sewn them together and embellished them. The long ribbon would serve as a "hands-free" devise to hang around your neck while you drive and speak on the phone. I also tied a bow around the holder to secure the phone inside the holder. You can tighten or adjust it as needed.

Anywho... I hope you enjoyed my little story. We all know that it's against the law to drive while holding your precious cellphones. Several studies show cell phones are a leading cause of car crashes. It is estimated that cell phone distracted drivers are four times more likely to be in a car wreck. According to a Harvard University study, cell phones cause over 200 deaths and half a million injuries each year. Try making this cellphone holders and Save A Life!
Supplies Needed:
- BigShot machine #113439 p.194 (IBC)
- Top Note Die #113463 p.198 (IBC
- Flower Layers #113458 p.202 (IBC)
Other Supplies:
- 5/8" Satin Ribbon - Chocolate Chip Brown #117287 p.27 (OMC)
- Buttons for embellishments p.181 (IBC)
- sewing machine
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Please visit my blog and my Stampin Up Website! Have a nice day!

How cute and creative.
realy really cute!!! What a great idea!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
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